Bernie Sanders Is Finger Lickin’ Good, Fachapatoto, Los Angeles

In May and June 2016, my painting, Bernie Sanders Is Fingerlickin Good was on display at Fachapatoto in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles.


6″x6″x1½”, acrylic, nail polish, graphite, ink on wood panel

I am concerned that no one in the Democratic field has the sex appeal necessary to be elected president in 2016. The current media landscape has become infected with a Kardashian Effect where celebrity and reality show behavior trump substance in the ratings grab. Sure Bernie Sanders’ social and economic justice policies are sexy, but I worry that the whole “Feel the Bern” hashtag popular with his supporters sounds like a slogan for chlamydia or at least a UTI – and that burning (Berning) connotes more of a destructive force. I am taking a different approach with Bernie Sanders is Finger Lickin’ Good and I hope America is ready to consume what Sanders is serving.

The painting was part of a group exhibition, Bernie + The Revolution, curated by Jimmy O’Balles, Mercedes Hart and Amy Inouyea in support of Bernie Sanders’ presidential primary campaign.


Friday, May 27th, 2016
Sunday, June 5th, 2016


Thursday, June 2nd, 2016


2000 E 1st Street
Boyle Heights 90033

Inspired by the words and character of Bernie Sanders, the work on display ranges from paintings to sculptures, puppets, glass, ceramics, drawings, and cartoons. A portion of proceeds go to the campaign.

Bernie + The Revolution was organized by Fachapatoto in collaboration with Future Studios and Rise Art Collective.


Milton Bumcracker

Marsian De Lellis

Waynna Kato

Kacy Treadway

Joe Bravo

Chip Chapman

Susan Chapman

Christine Papalexis

Chris Sheets

Art Carillo

Margaret Garcia

Rick Potts

Joe Potts

Krystine Kryttre

Belen Siguenza

Cathi Milligan

Zoe Topsfield

Stan Edmondson

Elisa Padilla

Tod Lychkoff

Brian Mallman

Abel Alejandre

Stuart Rapeport

Alberta Vitella

Suzanne Siegel

Carla Rajnus

Alan Angeles

Rebeca Guerrero

Perfect Reject

Peter Hess

Jackson Hart

Amy Inouye

Barry Markowitz

Dolores Carlos

Bonnie Lambert

Sybil McMiller

Mita Cuaron

Roberto ‘Tito’ Delgado


